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Java Garbage Collector
June 25, 2021
Ravi Yasas
Garbage Collectors in Java
Cleanup in Java
- GC can process only in the heap area
- GC is running its own thread when it feels memory is running low
Types of GCs
- Serial GC
- Parallel GC
- CMS (Concurrent Mark Swap) collector
- G1 GC (Garbage First)
- Z GC
Serial GC
- Uses a single thread
- Uses mark-copy for the young generation and mark-swap-compact for the old generation
- When executing it freezes all other threads until GC finishes.
- Efficient because no communication overhead between threads
- Suitable for small applications
- Use java -XX:+UseSerialGC to use this GC
Parallel GC
- Same as Serial GC, but this has multiple threads to speed up the process.
- Uses mark-copy for the young generation and mark-swap-compact for the old generation
- This was the default GC until Java 8.
- Suitable for multi-core machines and if you need better performance.
- Use java -XX:+UseParallelGC to use this GC
CMS (Concurrent Mark Swap) collector
- This is an improved and advanced version of parallel GC
- Many threads are being used to scan heap memory
- This is running using Mark and Swap algorithm
- Marking live objects
- Removing unreachable objects
- How it works
- Define GC roots. Ex. Active threads, local variables/ input variables of executing methods... etc.
- Traverse through the object graph in the memory
- The application thread must stop to traverse
- This is called Stop The World pause
- GC visited object marked as live
- Now free up the memory, releasing unused memory.
- There are different ways to do this
- Normal deletion
- Deletion with compacting
- Deletion with coping
- This is deprecated in JDK 9
- Use java -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC to use this GC
G1 GC (Garbage First)
- Introduced in Java 7 to replace the CMS collector
- Mostly used in multi-processor machines with a large amount of data
- This divides the heap into several equal-sized heaps and collects the regions with lesser live data.
- Most garbage-contained sections will be cleaned first.
- Since Java 9, this is the default GC.
- Use java XX:+UseG1GC to use this GC
- This is available since JDK 11
- This performs all expensive works concurrently without stopping the execution.
- Use java -XX:+UseZGC to use this GC
How to select a GC?
- It is better to allow the virtual machine to select the GC
- If necessary, adjust the heap size to improve performance.
- If that is also not enough, select a GC as follows ,according to the official document
- If the application has small data set (100MB) select Serial GC
- If the application runs on a single processor and no pause time requirement, then select Serial GC
- If the peak application performance is the first priority and there is no pause time then select Parallel GC
- If the response time is more important, then select G1 GC
- If the response time is the highest priority, then select Z1 GC
Possible causes for java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
- Configuration issues (heap size may be not enough)
- The application is holding objects without any usages
- Excessive use of finalize() methods.
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